Deuteronomy 29:4 - But to this day the Lord has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear.
Psalm 119:18 - Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
When I was in third grade, it was finally discovered that I was very near-sighted. Glasses made a big difference for me in school and beyond.
Before I wore glasses, I thought trees were topped by big green clumps, and they shed the clumps, which were leaves. That may sound crazy, since clearly I had seen a tree close-up. But somehow, my young mind couldn't connect what I saw from a distance with what I saw close by.
I also thought the sun would dim or brighten on its own. I couldn't detect clouds passing in front of the sun. Again, my poor vision caused me to make up facts about the world that weren't true.
For the same reason, it's important for us to learn about God through the Bible. Without scripture, we tend to make up facts about life that aren't true. We can't see clearly and thus decide on our own how to connect things.
The Israelites in the desert were the same way. Moses told them that even after forty years in the desert, they were so hard-hearted about God that the Lord refused to help them see clearly or understand what the plan was.
Contrast that to the psalmist who actively sought the Lord and begged for opened eyes to better understand God's commands.
If we seek the Lord, our eyes will be opened. Our minds won't have to make up our own stories about life anymore. We'll see life the way the Lord has planned it, for us to obediently find loving relationship with God and with other people, throughout this life and beyond.
The Practical Faith Academy podcast is now a twice-monthly event. I'm so excited about my recent guests who shared their ideas on how to live a seven-day practical faith based on their life experiences, such as how to live with joy and how to serve others as part of your faith. Please visit my home page and click on the Practical Faith Academy icon to connect to my podcast on various platforms.
Here is the link: CecilTaylorMinistries.com.