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Wednesday Devotional: Three Wounded Hearts


Psalm 109:21-22

Recently I've conversed with and counseled three young men at a crossroads in life. Two lost their jobs, and another is losing his marriage.

The first works in high tech and fell victim to the inevitable cycle of expansion and contraction in the field, shocked to encounter this harsh reality. The second works in an area of service to others; just as the organization was on the cusp of executing important projects, the funding, and the dream, fell apart. The third was devastated and disoriented by his wife's request to separate.

Each heart was inspired by idealism, compassion, or love. Each has reason for bitterness at how the loss came about. Each wonders how to recover from the blow.

In times of loss and confusion, the Psalms are a source for expression. The Psalms don't hide emotions but cry out, rage, and resolve. In Psalm 109, David rails against his enemies for twenty verses before changing his tone and turning to God in verses 21 and 22 (NIV):

But you, Sovereign Lord, help me for your name's sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

In times of sorrow and stress, I have cried out similarly for God to heal my heart. And God has answered with love and restoration.

When anger turns to bitterness, it can fester in our hearts. As life has dealt harshly with these young men, I pray that they'll learn that the way to deal with life's challenges is to go through them - not around them, not away from them, and not alone, but to travel through the pain with the Lord at your side, healing the bitterness and taking you forward with a renewed heart.

Please check out a new, free video lesson from Cecil Taylor Ministries, entitled, "The With-God Journey: A Powerful Re-Imagining of Holy Relationship." It's designed for both individual learners and for small groups needing a one-week lesson for any reason or wanting to check out Cecil Taylor Ministries. You can stream or download this standalone lesson and a leader guide by registering at

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