Services for Church Organizers
Instant Content
Cecil Taylor Ministries offers Instant Content materials to assist class leaders and pastors.
Learn about the books and videos by clicking on the PDF brochure.
Cecil is available for speaking engagements.
Learn about the options by clicking on the PDF brochure.
Instant Content that helps leaders, too

Our 7-day practical faith lessons are designed to be not only personally impactful, but also easy to lead. If your church is struggling with finding or training quality small group leaders, or if the strain of leadership is difficult on the volunteers you do have, then the Instant Content provided by our book and video studies will improve the small group experience at your church or organization.
One idea we’ve witnessed is using Cecil Taylor Ministries lesson series across multiple small groups as a way to both provide both a simple, reliable source of consistency in small group curriculum as well as a path to diagnose and improve volunteer leadership skills across the board.
We’ve included a sample leader’s guide so you can see for yourself just how easy it is to walk through an Instant Content lesson, leaving yourself or your leaders more available to walk alongside your small group without the fear of being unprepared.
Click for Sample Leader's Guide
Leader Guide Testimonials
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Create cohesive sermons and messages.

We encourage pastors, message-givers, or any other leader to develop and deliver a sermon or message on the lesson topic, whether that lesson is presented by video or by book. A Message Guide is offered with every one of our Instant Content products, giving a great overview of the lesson, pointing to related scripture, and making it easier to construct your own message. A cohesive church curriculum plan can help the lesson ideas stick with your members.
One service we offer is substitute preaching. Cecil has filled in as guest worship leader at multiple churches and can potentially help you in a pinch.
Message Guide Testimonial
"In the sermon, people would get the concept, but following up by watching the video lesson made it tangible for them….I was able to extract one of the texts from the lesson and build a whole sermon around it. One church member commented, 'I loved having Wednesday studies and Sunday sermons tied together. It helped me process the sermon more.' ”
Rev. Trevor Kennedy, Good News Church, Leander, Texas
Speaker services bring fresh energy.
Retreats, seminars both in-person and virtual, and guest speaking services can rejuvenate your Christian organization. As noted in the downloadable Speaker Brochure above, Cecil Taylor Ministries offers plenty of standard options and can create custom talks to meet your needs.
We encourage you to check out our Contact page for information on reaching out to us, or email Cecil directly at

Speaking Testimonials
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Inter-denominational. Scripturally Sound.

The Bible is a profound, complex, and beautiful collection of books. Our goal is to walk the line of fully doing justice to this gift and being mindful and respectful of the varied perspectives of the many Christians who love and cherish it.
While Cecil's perspective is informed by the Wesleyan/Arminian tradition, every lesson series we create at CTM is intentionally both scripturally sound and cross-denominational, capable of being effective and true across the Christian landscape. This interdenominational approach is core to our ministry, and with it you can trust that members, visitors, and leaders in your group will be able to receive our lessons authentically, without getting tripped up by theology.
"We at St. Andrew strive to be biblically-based and doctrinally orthodox. So, when we invite teachers into our adult classes, we are always careful to ensure that the prospective teacher fits with our values. I have always found Cecil Taylor to be such a teacher. He knows his Bible and wants his students to gain a deeper appreciation for Scripture so that they might be transformed by the renewing of their minds, to paraphrase Paul a bit."
Dr. Scott Engle, Teaching Pastor, St. Andrew Methodist Church, Plano, Texas