7-Day Practical Faith Blog: A Bee-Sized Approach to the World's Problems
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Asking Your Neighbor What They Need
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: The High Bar that Jesus Sets
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: How Loving Enemies Can Work
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: The Hope of Almond Blossoms
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Building on Solid Ground
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Christ-Centered Marriages, Christ-Centered Homes
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Positive Goodness rather than Negative Goodness
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: A Model for Seeking Forgiveness
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Every Day is a Gift
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Time to Wait or Time to Act?
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Windmills, Gratitude, Challenges, and Hope
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Always, Without Ceasing, In All Circumstances
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: The Person You Were Called to Be
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Reacting to Unanswered Prayer
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: My Favorite Birthday
7-Day Practical Faith: Bearing the Scars of Sacrifice
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Making It from Sunday to Sunday without Sin
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Anchored in God's Love and Forgiveness
7-Day Practical Faith Blog: Connecting to a God of Higher Thoughts