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Wednesday Devotional: Stones of Help and Remembrance


Updated: Sep 24, 2024

1 Samuel 7:12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

The choir was practicing "Come Thou Fount" and its second verse, which contains the phrase, "Here I raise my Ebenezer." During a pause, a member of the bass section lifted his hand and asked, "What is an Ebenezer, and why would I want to raise it?"

Good question. The prophet Samuel raised a stone and named it Ebenezer (which isn't as lyrical as "stuck a feather in his cap and called it Macaroni"). Ebenezer signifies a stone of remembrance and help; Samuel wanted to stop and commemorate how the Lord had helped the people of Israel.

Another good question is whether we remember and commemorate how the Lord has helped us. A friend of mine calls it "spiritual amnesia," that we forget the good things that God has done for us. It's true; we get into a new scrape and wonder how the Lord will ever get us out of this situation or even cares about us, not recalling how God has been beside us and worked on our behalf in the past.

If we were to raise our own individual Ebenezers, what would they be? What stones would you set up to mark the times Jesus has helped you? What events or moments would you recognize? Would there be small Ebenezers for smaller help, and giant Ebenezers for significant assistance? How many would there be?

A good exercise is to write down the Ebenezers of our lives. A better practice is to be assured in times of struggle, pain, and stress that there is a new Ebenezer right around the corner.

A milestone in my authoring career is the Sept. 17 official release of my fourth book, "Unison Parenting: The Comprehensive Guide in Navigating Christian Parenthood with One Voice." I'm excited to share proven parenting advice that has worked for my family and others that I have taught via parenting classes. You can pre-order it now through online and brick-and-mortar booksellers, or visit my online store at to receive a copy beforehand.

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