Psalm 63:1
I never forget to eat. Something might prevent me from eating on schedule, but I never forget to eat. In my technology days, there was a famous business meeting in Australia where they didn't break for lunch until 2 p.m. I was the definition of hangry in that meeting!
My wife will sometimes forget to eat. She won't realize she's actually hungry until you set food in front of her. Then she eats and realizes she truly was hungry but didn't know it. I don't get that at all.
Recently I saw a headline saying that people who consider themselves post-religion are struggling to find a replacement that gives them hope. I would suggest that such people are hungry for God and don't know it.
Saint Teresa wrote these words in the early years of this century, and they are still true:
Suffering is increasing in the world today. People are hungry for something more beautiful, for something greater than people round about can give. There is a great hunger for God in the world today.
David described such a hunger and thirst in the first verse of Psalm 63.
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Perhaps you are hungry and thirsty for God without realizing it. I'd suggest partaking of what God offers. Then you may experience satisfaction and come to find that you were hungry for God's presence, meaning, and deep love all along.
"From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone" is available on CecilTaylorMinistries.com and almost everywhere you find Christian books. You can try a couple of chapters of the book by visiting CecilTaylorMinistries.com/free-content . Scroll toward the bottom of the page to download the sample.