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Wednesday Devotional: Content to Fill a Little Space


John 3:30 "He must become greater; I must become less."

Rev. Samuel Wesley was jealous of his wife, Susanna. Fewer people attended his sermons than visited their home for her weekly Bible study.

The mother of nineteen children (including future Protestant leaders John and Charles) grew up in the wrong era to fully exercise her talents. As Susanna wrote in praise of the education-centered home in which she was raised, "If universities had admitted women, I could have held my own among the scholars, including theological debates and the writing of scholarly papers."

You would imagine that such a talented person might feel angry about her reduced role in society and religious circles. But Susanna also wrote, "I’m content to fill a little space if God is glorified." Certainly God was glorified through her preparation of John and Charles for lives of religious service.

Another person who willingly took a step back was John the Baptist. Although he had his own substantial following, John the Baptist pointed to Jesus as the Messiah and was content to occupy a smaller space.

We modern disciples may wonder if we're doing enough or if we have any impact on the world. The truth is that we are sent by God each day to fill whatever little space must be filled. We can mightily glorify God by accepting and fulfilling our duties, however small they may seem to be. Who knows: like Susanna Wesley and John the Baptist, we may be planting the seeds for greatness that another will bring to fruition.

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