This is the first of a December series called "Putting Christ into Christmas."
Despite purchasing Christmas gifts throughout the year, my wife and I are still stuck on what else to buy to finish off the list. My outdoor decorations are up but with several lighting glitches I'm still working through. That means the indoor decorations are behind schedule. Then the Christmas cards await - but at least, everyone else seems late on that task, too.
Oh, and we were going to order a holiday dinner package, but that's still uncrossed on the to-do list.
All this comes in the midst of organizing a church event, preparing for various holiday social events and a concert, and doing normal work like this blog.
December is six days deep, and I'm weary already. How about you?
I was inspired this week by my Practical Faith Academy podcast guest, Christine Trimpe, an author who calls herself a joy seeker (the podcast goes live today). She talked about the line from "O Holy Night" that says, "The weary world rejoices." Trimpe's quote was "If we search for the joy every single day, despite our circumstances, it can cover any weary season that we’re going through."
As I've written before, joy stems from a sense of the presence of God. When we know or sense God is with us, we feel joy.
So if you are a card-carrying member of the weary world right now, as I am, then seek the presence of God daily. If you seek, you will find, because there is always, at minimum, some little piece of evidence of God in your life each day. Let it remind you of God's visit to earth in the form of Jesus, then consider Christ in this messy season we call Christmas. It's a small way to put Christ into Christmas in your daily life.
Look for my podcast blog post about Christine Trimpe, who discusses joy, weight loss, and reading scripture to put faith into practice on episode 15 of the Practical Faith Academy podcast.