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Podcast Blog: Linda Evans Shepherd, the Relationship between Prayer and Faith

Now posted: One of the most consequential topics I've offered on the Practical Faith Academy podcast. So many people ask me about prayer and how it relates to a seven-day practical faith. This podcast delivers a powerful answer.

I'm joined by acclaimed author and prayer expert Linda Evans Shepherd. She has written more than fifteen books on prayer and nearly forty in all.

You'll be informed and inspired by Shepherd's guidance and testimonials about how prayer can lead to miracles. And even if prayer doesn't lead to a miracle, you'll be better able to cope with the outcome through God's providence.

Highlights of the podcast:

0:51    Why we should pray

2:41     What key themes people should take into their prayer life

4:34     How Linda prayed to release her fear over wildfires approaching her home

7:20     A model for how to fully give your fears to God

9:50     Why we should pray for small stuff

12:19   Linda’s prayer capability grew during a time of tragedy and stress

15:27   A vision of walking with Jesus and how our trials are “miracle seeds”

17:31   The miraculous story of how her daughter came out of a year-long coma

20:30   Her go-to prayer

21:04   A seven-day practical faith is living each moment of every day in conversation with God

22:55   The hardest part about putting faith into practice

23:45   Her best tip for living and maintaining a seven-day practical faith

26:33   Cecil and Linda discuss how the Spirit can speak to us in the night, revealing wisdom

The Practical Faith Academy Podcast can be found on all major podcasting platforms. You can also access it through the Free Content page on the Cecil Taylor Ministries website.

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