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7-Day Practical Faith Blog: How to Connect to God Right Now


Romans 8: 38-39

People will sometimes ask me questions like, what can I do on a daily basis to practice and grow my faith? How can I make God a priority in my life? What spiritual tools are available to me?

As I have pondered that question, my answer is: Connect to God right now, by connecting the present to the eternal.

In the "Live Like You're Eternal" section of my book and video study, "Live Like You're Loved," the SAIL step to improve your life is to connect the present to the eternal. This can be a mystical event, but there are practical ways to approach it, and I suggest those in the book and video. I'm going to add a new analogy or mindset today.

When I consider the present vs. the eternal, I imagine a "You Are Here" map like you find at a big mall, an arena, or an amusement park. The venue is large and confusing; you only have a limited view of the area as you look around. You want to step back to see the big picture and to understand where you are at the time and where you want to go. A map that shows the whole picture and indicates "You Are Here" is very useful.

In this analogy, the map shows the eternal, and the "You Are Here" indicator is the present. We have a limited view based on our present situation. Looking at the eternal, we see what God sees: the past, the present and the future. For example, when I consider my ministry, I realize that God can see how it can and will unfold. The same goes for my life on earth and beyond. He has a vision and perspective that I do not.

How do we connect with God right now?

  • Prayer, certainly. It doesn't even have to be fancy prayer. We are just a breath away, a word away, from God. His Holy Spirit is with us and within us, ready to assist in prayer and to connect us with the Father.

  • Scripture can help, especially if we can cultivate some go-to verses that put us in the proper mindset to see the eternal. Such a verse for me is Romans 8: 38-39:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  • My favorite method is meditation, which happens when I meditate on the map and try to feel the eternal as seeping in on the present. I envision the person I have been in the past, in every decade, in every moment, and the person I'm becoming, as well as the eternal spirit that I am. While I ponder today's troubles, I also contemplate the smallness of this day compared to all the days of my life, and yet how this day is connected to days past and future. By doing so, I step out of this instant into the overall landscape of eternity. It's there that things start looking different to me.

I imagine most people would expect me to answer the opening questions with "read the Bible with a daily guide" or "set a reminder on your phone to pray" or any of the 120 ideas you can find at . But I'd suggest that whatever technique you choose, your mindset is to connect the present to the eternal, to connect into the eternal presence of God, that whisks you away from this moment to something greater.

As I laid in bed this morning and considered what to write today, the roofers next door resumed their task from yesterday, pounding new shingles with their nail guns. The day was starting. I knew I was about to start my routine and face a day that always wants to disrupt my routine. At some point today, I will need something more to satisfy me. And that will be to tap into God right now, connecting the present with the eternal.

The Participant's Guide for "Live Like You're Loved" is now available! The Participant's Guide allows you to go deeper in processing the book and video content with life application questions, activities, meditations and Bible reading. You can find the Guide and the book on,,, and my web site,, where you can also purchase my video studies. I recommend that you purchase the Participant's Guide when purchasing the book or videos.

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