1 Thessalonians 5:18
As he was interviewed on the field after his Michigan Wolverines football team had won the national championship, the young man had an interesting opportunity. As the offensive most valuable player, Blake Corum could have credited God for the victory and how the Wolverines had smitten their opponent.
Instead, Corum stated how grateful he was for the opportunity God gave him to play in such a game. A year earlier, the star running back suffered an injury right before the playoffs and could only watch from the sideline as his team lost. Now he rejoiced and praised God for simply being able to participate.
The apostle Paul wrote, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5: 18)." Whether we win or lose, regardless of circumstances and outcomes, we are to live the life that we are given.
When I awake each morning, one of my first thoughts is to thank God for giving me this new day. Anyone who has lived any amount of time knows that the results of each day and each endeavor may vary. But we have the opportunity to have life and breath, so our first thoughts should offer gratitude to God for the opportunity.
How would our lives be different if we simply thanked God for the opportunity to experience every up and down that life has to offer?
If your small group or Sunday School class is looking for a one-week lesson, please consider my sample lesson, "Live the Life that is Given." It is a short video that includes a Leader Guide to make it easy to teach. Check it out at https://www.ceciltaylorministries.com/resources-live-the-life-given .