Acts 2: 16-18
In the last of this devotional series of Meditating on God, we come to meditate on the Holy Spirit (meditation meaning, in this case, to consider deeply and prayerfully). The Holy Spirit is perhaps the most mysterious person of the Holy Trinity, and yet is the one most available to us.
That's because the Holy Spirit lives in us, helping Christians understand their unity with Jesus and guiding us to reproduce the character of Jesus within us. Before we meditate on that relationship, let's take a side trip to understand the Holy Spirit better.
In the Old Testament, we see the Holy Spirit active in various spots, from the creation story (Genesis 1: 2) to leading Israel (Judges 6: 34) to inspiring prophets and prophecies (Numbers 11: 24-25). In the New Testament, we first see the Holy Spirit bringing Jesus to earth through virgin birth (Luke 1: 35), descending as a dove on Jesus at his baptism (Matthew 3: 16-17) and driving Jesus into the wilderness (Matthew 4: 1).
Of course, we see the Holy Spirit most vividly in His arrival at Pentecost, where Peter interpreted in his sermon in Acts 2: 16-18:
No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy."
If you continue reading Acts and through the letters of Paul, understanding the history of the early church, you'll see how the Spirit was the driving force in the church's formation.
Now let's turn to us today. We have the gift of the Holy Spirit within us! We are born of water and the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit resides in us, inspiring us, loving us, guiding us, convicting us, perfecting us, and completing our meager efforts to serve God and become like Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is the inexhaustible supply of living water that runs through us. The Spirit works to create abundant life within us and around us.
Do you believe in this gift? How will you use this gift? How will you even access this gift?
Those are three questions to meditate upon. You have the power of God within you through His Spirit, but do you use Him? Do you consult with Him? Do you call upon Him prayerfully? Do you "do life" with Him?
Meditate quietly, asking for the Spirit to reveal His presence. Pray through the Spirit to God to heighten your comprehension and to strengthen your relationship. Going forward, actively look for signs of the Spirit speaking to you through prayer, through your conscience, through other people, through the events of your life, through your passions, through amazing moments of full revelation, and through visible multiplication of your efforts by the mysterious work and power of the Spirit.
HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY: Join me for a webinar on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. Central, entitled "Five Ways to Get Closer to God during a Crisis." These ideas are extracted from principles shared in my book, "The Next Thing: A Christian Model for Dealing with Crisis in Personal Life." Registration is limited! To register and receive the webinar link, go to, scroll down, and a registration box will appear to complete.